
Depending on the stage of development of an edible plant, we give it a different name. Sometimes we eat them as seeds (grains), some right after they germinate and before they have leaves (these are called sprouts), and if we let them grow a little longer (typically 1-2 weeks) then these baby plants become what is commonly referred to as ‘microgreens’. The main health benefits of microgreens include: Microgreens are incredibly nutrient-dense – meaning they are concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Compared to their adult counterparts, they contain up to 40x the vitamins and a broader spectrum of antioxidants. Microgreens are suitable to eat raw which helps them retain their nutrients, as the high heat in cooking can destroy enzymes, vitamins, and phytonutrients. When homegrown, they’re fresh! As soon as any plant is harvested, it starts decomposing and losing its nutrients and health benefits. For example, spinach loses 90% of its Vitamin C within 24 hours of harvesting